Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Knight’s Tale Ch 3-4: Is Destiny Already Determined?

Is the destiny of a person's life already written? Or is it more a matter of each person writes his own destiny as he goes through life. This is a question that has wondered in my brain ever since I can remember. Probably the first time this question came to mind was when I was taking religion classes to be able to do the first communion. If I had to choose in this exact moment which answer I thought would be the best I would have a hard time but I would say that people come to the world for a specific reason so I think some parts of a person's life are already written. There are many books in which the characters are never influenced by any god of any kind in making decisions. In those books I think that the author would think that each person writes his own future. In The Knight's Tale I would say that the exact opposite happens because the gods have direct interaction with the characters. What made me actually remember this question was the part that said: "Depeynted was the slaughtre of Julius, Of grete Nero, and of Antonius; Al be that thilke tyme they were unborn, Yet was hir deth depeynted ther-biforn By manasynge of Mars, right by figure." (2031-2035) The fact that it is already known that these people that aren't even born have already been associated with Mars, makes me wonder if the life of these persons have already been written. As soon as I read this I stopped the audio and reading for a second and wondered what would be my destiny if it had already been written. I thought about it for like five minutes and realizing that I could go on thinking forever I decided to continue reading in search for other events in which the character's destiny is decided by the gods. This happened again when Arcite won and "Out of the ground a furie infernal sterte, From Pluto sent at requeste of Saturne, For which his hors for fere gan to turne, And leep aside, and foundred as he leep; And er that Arcite may taken keep, He pighte hym on the pomel of his heed, That in the place he lay as he were deed." (2684-2690) The gods in this case determined Arcite's destiny by making him fall and be mortally injured. Shortly after this he died making the gods responsible for his death. In this case the gods destroyed in some way Arcite's destiny because he had already won with his might and sacrifice the battle and Emelye, but the gods not being content with who had won had killed him. In this case and in The Knight's Tale the destiny of each person is already written. But is this the same for our life? Do we write as we go or do we go as it is written?

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